The Hat


Hats somteimes have religious significance. As example, in some churches or denominations, such as the Catholic church and the ABC, women are required to cover their heads while praying. Men should not. This head covering topic was regularly argued in the ABC, but was never honestly resolved under the surface.

While flipping through the channels one day, I came across a show about bidding on abandoned storage lockers. In one episode, a bidder found an elaborately ornamented hat box containing a Shtreimel. A Shtreimel is a hat worn by some married male Hasidic Jews and is usually made from fox tails. It takes about four-hundred animals to make just one hat so they can be quite expensive. 

The origin of the Shtreimel is uncertain but some believe they originated from a time when Jews were required to wear a fox tail on the Sabbath to identify them as Jewish. The Jews turned this curse into a blessing by wearing the fox tails as hats and formed them into a style mimicking the hats worn by royals. Smart!

By Dieter Philippi - Eigene Aufnahme, Eigentum, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Moving on to the second part of this tale. The buyer of this locker was unaware of what he had, and the value of this Shtreimel. He discovered specific markings on the hat box which suggested it had a Jewish origin so he sought out a Hasidic Rabbi for an appraisal. This meeting took place in a Jewish synagogue. When the buyer learned his fifty dollar purchase was worth at least four thousand dollars he could not contain his excitement and uttered out a loud curse word. This caused the Rabbi to panic momentarily, but then realizing the cabinet holding the Torah scrolls was closed, and the Torah had not heard this profanity, he relaxed again.

In all the paper, in all the world, there is not a single breath of life. While there are writings about the “Living Word of God”, is this actually talking about a book or scroll?  It is not.  The true word of God is written on tablets of the heart and we can become living epistles.

I have a bunch of books. I love books. I actually once had so many books I was accused of starting a library by a pair of movers I hired. But none of these books ever created a single thing. Instead they just sat on a shelf waiting for my attention. 

I've loved books since I was very young; about age six when I first learned to read; but they have never once returned my affection and not a single one has in it the breath of life.

I found this rabbis horror a bit puzzling and I contemplated this interaction for quite some time. I had to ask if this man worshiped God or this set of scrolls. God is everywhere, yet this Rabbi seemed to give no thought to whether God was offended by the cursing; only if the scrolls were protected and not offended. Perhaps that seems odd but, in some ways, it does illustrate the  very nature of man. 

For several years I sold advertising and developed promotions for small businesses. It is, at times, a tough sell since advertising and promotions are an intangible product. I sold essentially empty space that then needed to be filled. The results were usually directly immeasurable so the value of that space I was selling had to be accepted strictly on faith that it had done some good. That is often difficult to quantify. Had I been selling gold widgets, at a bargain price, I would have had a much easier time selling than blank space. 

God is an intangible. God is immeasurable.  You can’t see God; you can’t touch God, you can't directly feel God. God is much like invisible air. You know air exists because you can breathe it in, it can create lift to fly, you can feel it in the currents of wind, but only the effects of air can be seen and not the air itself. God is  the same. Invisible and intangible but we can witness the effects and creations of God to prove God exists.

In my pondering I juxtaposed the ABC’s love of books and studies over a love for the weightier matters of the law; justice, mercy and faith. I asked myself if it was the same and concluded it was mostly the same. Certainly, the ABC does not have a cabinet to display their books and studies like the scrolls of the Torah were enshrined, but the love is actually quite equal to this rabbis love for his scrolls. I don’t intend to diminish the value of the writings in the Torah, but it is, after all, just paper and ink. The words are not what is important. It is the value behind those words. When we look at the values Jesus brought to this world, the making of books and study materials was not ever included in that list.

What is the result of this? When the love of books, rules and laws overpower the love of people, and  individual frailties, the result is hardness of heart, pride and the pointing of the finger. The ABC considers itself not a part of Christianity when, in fact, they are actually just a tiny part of the broader “Christian church” they claim to despise. They have been overtaken with the pride of tangible paper and ink which then lords over the love, joy and peace which gives evidence of the intangible God. If books and studies were the primary goal of Jesus, he would have left us books and studies. He didn’t leave a single book or study. He didn’t even leave instructions in this regard. If one looks at Jesus' life, he took issue with the Pharisees, the Sadducee and those other lawgivers who inflicted pain on others through an overbearing upholding of the law of Moses through books and studies. He accepted people where they were, helped them heal through compassion and mercy, and did not demand any sort of rote education.

There is an argument method which involves carrying a person’s words to the most extreme, even if that persons words spoken were actually quite moderate. There are those who have carried my words to the most extreme, in an effort to diminish my message. One can only sigh. I value the writings which have been left by previous generations. I regularly refer to Psalms, Proverbs and the writings of Solomon for wisdom. In the end, my hope, my salvation, my trust, is in God alone and not in these writings. Even Jesus was just a messenger sent since those who came before him did not listen to the prophets when they spoke the hard truths. Instead they killed them. Sometimes the easiest way to rid yourself of an uncomfortable truth is to just kill the messenger. It’s worked throughout all of history and I can certainly relate.

God is intangible and is everywhere. Man is a tangible being and finite. Man seeks safety and security in tangible things, like books and studies. God instead provides us safety and security by providing us  space to grow. Our lives feel intangible so we seek out the tangible as comfort.  Solomon discovered this and said, “of making many books there is no end”. He too found this habit of endless study tiresome when he sought even greater wisdom through much study, but to no avail. Vanity vanity, he said. 

God is very complex. We will never acquire enough knowledge to understand God. There is no greater freedom than to say, “I don’t know”. He who says he knows something is really the liar the scriptures speaks about. Paul warned the Corinthians not to have this attitude. We fruitlessly strive to understand time honored mysteries. We become full of pride when we think we know something, but really know nothing. Faith is an intangible, not definable, yet faith is the only true path. The more we try to “find a more perfect way”, through books in our fruitless effort to understand God, the more we are just trying to make God tangible for our own benefit. We are only digging a bigger hole to fall into. The writer of Psalms 7 referenced this very thing:

Behold, the wicked brings forth iniquity;
Yes, he conceives trouble and brings forth falsehood.
He made a pit and dug it out,
And has fallen into the ditch which he made.
His trouble shall return upon his own head,
And his violent dealing shall come down on his own crown.

I began to understand this concept several years before I was ambushed. I tried to absolutely define Zion and found this completely impossible. My message of freedom, over bondage to books, did not sit well with leaders in the ABC and I was eventually diminished through their “kill the messenger” devices. 
My message is a simple one. All that is required by God is simple. We need to learn from the wisdom of Solomon when he found that to serve God is to keep his commandments (which are not grievous). To love the simplicity of Christ is all there is. That is it. The rest is just “I don’t know”. When we struggle to "nail it all down" it just becomes more weariness to our tangible flesh.


My view of the Holy Bible

From my special post to Brian one might assume I do not believe in the words of the Bible so I am posting this explanation of my views on the Holy Bible, an anthology of ancient texts. 

In the past there existed individual texts which were deemed to be wise, historic or sacred.  These were commonly referred to collectively as “the scripture”, even though they were actually separate writings and not conveniently formatted into one single published book.  In rare instances, an individual, or group of individuals, would have a collection of these highly prized texts, usually held in scroll form or on parchment. These would have been meticulously copied by scribes, a quite lengthy and very expensive process. Generally only wealthy households or places of worship held these reproductions. The common man had very limited access to them simply because of the expense. To give some perspective on what it took to create just one Bible by a scribe, here is a blurb from Atlas Obscura quoting the National Library of Sweden on what was involved in hand copying just one "Bible":
The National Library of Sweden puts this massive undertaking into perspective:

“If the scribe worked for six hours a day and wrote six days a week this means that the manuscript could have taken about five years to complete. If the scribe was a monk he may only have been able to work for about three hours a day, and this means that the manuscript could have taken ten years to write. As the scribe may also have ruled the lines to guide the writing before he began to write (it probably took several hours to rule one leaf), this extends the period it took to complete the manuscript. The scribe also decorated the manuscript, so this all means that the manuscript probably took at least 20 years to finish, and could even have taken 30.”

For those wanting to read these scriptural texts, assuming they were literate in the first place, they would usually go to the location where the books or scrolls were held. Paper was an expensive commodity so most often these books and scrolls were held in a place of worship. It was in this manner the “scriptures” were disseminated broadly and very few written copies existed because the printing press had not yet been invented. Paper was quite limited, expensive and highly valued, and just making paper was a very time-consuming process.
To produce a skin for a scroll took much less time so scrolls were more common than bound books. This is how it was for most of history since paper was not machine made and available at your closest Office Depot.  I have made paper and, while it is not difficult, it is messy and requires lots of pressing and drying for the paper to be functional. Our modern world, with its multitude of printing presses, copy machines and giant paper mills has given us a skewed view of books. The ease at which we do things now, especially with the internet and computers, was not the norm historically. We must view the scriptures in the historical context in which they were written and not lose sight of what is most important; kindness and love. This graph below illustrates how books began to permeate our world more than at any time in previous history. The graph shows the rise into the 1800's but then the number of published books, including printed copies of the Bible, rose exponentially in the 1900's, especially after the two World Wars. 

Previously, one had to be literate, or have a family member or friend that was literate, to even read the scriptures. The illiterate would sometimes pay a literate individual as a “reader” and even today, in many countries, it is common for persons to make their living as “readers” for less literate individuals. The concept of a Bible study, with everyone sitting in a circle, or a square, reading from a printed Bible, surrounded by study books and commentaries, is quite new and was unheard of before our modern times.

The Bible became a mass-produced bound book of selected texts just hundreds of years ago. Not that long ago in relation to the age of mankind. This anthology of assembled texts we call the “Holy Bible” was created by the early Catholic church and became mass produced less than eight-hundred years ago. It was named “The Holy Bible”, with “Holy” meaning these were the texts set apart as approved and accepted to be given to the laity.  These were expressed as being the entire wealth of knowledge to explain God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and all things pertaining to. But who decided these were the accepted texts, to the exclusion of other texts?  It was a group of men, some with large egos who were willing to kill for their views.  There were also others of lesser ego who descended into political games, or party arguments, to defend their personal view of what to include and what to exclude.  This compiling of texts, from around the world, was not a time of contemplation or reverence. It was not a time of consulting God, or the Spirit, on what should, or should not be, included. Some of these texts were even acquired by means of pillage and plunder. 
These acquired texts were assembled as the "accepted texts" by a committee that, at times, even led to a beheading or a stake burning.  The "guilty" being labeled as “blasphemers” or “heretics” as justification.
What followed is the creation of the book we now call the "Holy Bible". A proliferation of other books to divide and explain this Bible soon followed.  Young’s, Strong’s, Vine’s, Stegenga, to name but a few.  All of these books were written in very modern times. There is even a book that attempts to harmonize all four gospels together but the four gospels have four different authors, with four different perspectives, written in four different time frames, all post Christ’s death and resurrection and, with their varied perspective come perspective differences. These differences should be embraced, rather than explained away in yet another book. In 1684 some of the original books selected for  "The Holy Bible" were removed; Tobit, Judith, Wisdom of Solomon, Wisdom of Jesus ben Sira, Baruch, Letter of Jeremiah, Daniel Additions… In fact, the Bible itself, refers to books that no longer exist in our current Bible. (See reference below courtesy of Wikipedia.) Where are these books?

  The Book of Jasher is mentioned in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18 and also referenced in 2 Timothy 3:8.[1] From the context in the Book of Samuel, it is implied that it was a collection of poetry. Several books have claimed to be this lost text, some of which are discounted as pseudepigrapha. Certain members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints secured the copyright to a particular English translation of one of these and republished it in 1887 in Salt Lake City.[2]
  The Book of the Wars of the Lord[3] is mentioned in Numbers 21:14. It is speculatively associated with one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness.[citation needed] The Book of the Wars of the Lord is also cited in the eighteenth century Book of Jasher (Pseudo-Jasher) (trans. Moses Samuel c. 1840, ed. J. H. Parry 1887) Chapter 90:48 as being a collaborative record written by Moses, Joshua and the children of Israel.
  The Chronicles of the Kings of Israel and Chronicles of the Kings of Judah are mentioned in the Books of Kings (1 Kings 14:19,29). They are said to tell of events during the reigns of Kings Jeroboam of Israel and Rehoboam of Judah, respectively. The Chronicles of the Kings of Israel is again mentioned in 1 Kings 16:20 regarding King Zimri, and many other times throughout 1 and 2 Kings.
  The Book of Shemaiah the Prophet and Visions of Iddo the Seer (also called Story of the Prophet Iddo or The Annals of the Prophet Iddo) is mentioned in the 2nd Book of Chronicles. (2 Chronicles 9:29, 2 Chronicles 12:15, 2 Chronicles 13:22). This book has been completely lost to history, save for its title.
  The Manner of the Kingdom.[4]
Referenced at
1 Samuel 10:25.
  The Acts of Solomon.[5]
Referenced at
1 Kings 11:41.
  The Annals of King David.[6]
Referenced at
1 Chronicles 27:24.
  The Book of Samuel the Seer. Also called Samuel the Seer or The Acts of Samuel the Seer, which could be the same as 1 & 2 Samuel.[7]
Referenced at
1 Chronicles 29:29.
  The Book of Nathan the Prophet. Also called Nathan the Prophet or The Acts of Nathan the Prophet or History of Nathan the Prophet.[7]
Referenced at
1 Chronicles 29:29, and also 2 Chronicles 9:29.
  The Book of Gad the Seer.[8]
Referenced at
1 Chronicles 29:29.
  The Prophecy of Ahijah,[9] might be a reference to 1 Kings 14:2–18.
Referenced at
2 Chronicles 9:29.
  The Book of Jehu,[11] could be a reference to 1 Kings 16:1–7.
Referenced at
2 Chronicles 20:34.
  The Acts of Uzziah. Also called The Book by the prophet Isaiah. Perhaps the same as the Book of Isaiah.[7]
Referenced at
2 Chronicles 26:22.
  The Vision of Isaiah.[13]
Referenced at
2 Chronicles 32:32.
  The Acts of the Kings of Israel. Also called The Acts and Prayers of Manasseh.[14] May be identical to The Book of the Kings of Israel, above.
Referenced at
2 Chronicles 33:18.
  The Sayings of the Seers.[15]
Referenced at
2 Chronicles 33:19.
  The Laments for Josiah. Also called Lamentations. This event is recorded in the existing Book of Lamentations.
Referenced at
2 Chronicles 35:25.
  The Chronicles of King Ahasuerus.[16]
Referenced at
Esther 2:23, Esther 6:1, Esther 10:2, and Nehemiah 12:23.

If you choose to forgo Old Testament history, the prophets and wisdom books, and just write the entire history of Jesus short life instead…good luck.  John referenced this at the end of his writings. And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.”  
So, one need asks; What are we missing? What important thing did Jesus say that we will never know? Is it important to know? Can we find yet another book that clarifies these things? Someone probably wrote them down. Isn’t it important we find these writings? If I die without this knowledge, do I still achieve salvation? Perhaps Jesus gave additional instructions on baptism before he was taken up. Will God still honor my baptism if I did not have this knowledge?  

So, what then? How do we find the whole truth if it is not written or accessible? We have now the Holy Bible printed in mass quantities, which can be purchased for very little. We have endless commentaries and study books to explain it and we believe these will show us the right way. Most often the overuse of these books only puffs up egos and causes divisions. These books, it is assumed, help us create structure and define a “map” to God and salvation, but this is wrong. Did God ask us to create a structure for Him?  No. When King David asked to create a structure for God, God’s response was  
 As I have moved with the Israelites, I have never said to the tribes, whom I commanded to take care of my people Israel, “Why haven’t you built me a house of cedar?”’ 
Did God ever ask for a structure, real or virtual?” No. Paul wrote to the Corinthian’s that we ourselves are God’s building. But I hear the repercussions now. “We, the ABC, teach others to build a foundation”. Great! Clearly not a bad idea. Necessary for any sound building. But what then? A virtual house for the worship of God. Each is to build their own house, preferably with gold, silver and precious stones. But in every house there will inevitably be a bit of wood, hay and stubble as well.
What happens in the ABC is foundation is layered upon foundation, again and again, rather than supplying those things it takes to build a solid house; Justice, Mercy and Faithfulness.

The original plan was one would receive help planting their foundation and would then be set free into the world to help others lay a foundation. The plan was never to congeal into a formalized structure, real or virtual, incorporated or not.  It is up to each of us to build a house on our foundation. One that is not tied to a format built on books from dead trees. In this way, everyone’s house is diverse, just as nature is diverse. Some homes are  works of art, with precious stones, while others are made of sod and hay. Both are suitable as a dwelling because, if one has a foundation in Christ, the house is but a temporary dwelling anyhow. In the final fire, if the house is totally destroyed, so be it. The foundation remains. Therefore we should not be quick to judge one another over our words or actions.  Paul understood this when he wrote to the Corinthians.

For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building.  According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it.  For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.  Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw,  each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward.  If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.

In Ezra, when the foundation of the temple was laid, this is when the priests shouted for joy. This is when the temple was considered intact again and not when the structure was built on top.

When the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord, the priests stood in their apparel with trumpets, and the Levites, the sons of Asaph, with cymbals, to praise the Lord, according to the ordinance of David king of Israel. And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the Lord:
“For He is good,
For His mercy endures forever toward Israel.”
Then all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid.

Each one’s work. Those are important words. Each one’s work. We cannot be quick to judge another person’s work. It is not our responsibility to build anyone’s house or tear it down. Each one's work.

It has been illustrated the foundation consists of multiple building blocks but nature does not build in blocks. Nature is a symphony and nature composes and a true foundation is a singular rock composed of many elements. There are no foundation building "blocks" since a foundation made of blocks is not solid and will drift and crack with each movement of the surrounding earth. Rock is the only true firm foundation.

Books are blocks and truth will never be found solely in a book. Books are great in their convenience but must not be worshiped. Books are noise. Books are flawed. God speaks with a still small voice and the excess noise from books has the effect of drowning out God’s still small voice.   
On that final night I taught at Mark’s home, after which I was accused of blasphemy, I was continuously interrupted by others with Greek words, tenses, contexts, mate scriptures and the like. There was a furious rattle of book pages by a few as they  pored through books, seeking out the precise Greek words, tenses and the like. All to prove, or disprove, my words in real time. It got so intense, at one point, I stopped teaching, then leaning forward slightly over the podium nearly begged people to listen to the message of the words, rather than be so wrapped up in senseless word and tense searches. Internally I was seriously about to cry that night because people had become so hardened to the beauty of the words, love and respect for one another was lost and was replaced with a focus on the technicality of the words themselves, not the message of what they say. My plea fell on deafened ears and it is clear from the outcome some took great offense that night. I do understand that trap. I too was once a great Pharisee emboldened by my phylactery of knowledge and was expert at pursuing these word wars with others. I gloried in my books but it is a fruit killing poison.

I liken it to a time I went on a “wildflower hike” with a hiking group. I found the leader had no intention of having the group wander silently on a trail through fields of wildflowers while enjoying their beauty. Instead, as soon as we parked, he got out a large wooden case from his trunk filled with magnifying glasses. He handed one to each person on the “hike” then set us to wander in a small field, right next to the noisy highway, looking at tiny stamens and pistils while he expounded endlessly from his knowledge of the reproductive cycle of wildflowers. For two hours! Yet, if one had just gotten up off their knees that day, and put down that magnifying glass, they could have wandered inland just a bit to listen to the silence of the field and take in the glory of God’s creation all around. They would have been much more edified observing the beauty of the wildflowers instead of the technicality. 
Knowledge puffs up, only the Spirit gives life. I need not be burdened with the understanding of stamens and pistils to understand the wildflowers God created. God’s presence is in every single wildflower, and all of creation and that is all I need to know. I need not know tenses and moods and perfect alignments of contexts in a book to understand the beauty of God. In fact, if I do pursue the technicality over the beauty I run the risk of becoming puffed up in my noisy knowledge, no longer able to hear the  the voice of God.  Note how many times David and Solomon reference God’s created things in Psalms and Proverbs. Books are man’s creation, wildflowers are not. You cannot reproduce the peace of the Spirit of God with a printing press. 

I can hear the words now in my head as I write this. We are to “rightly divide the word of Truth” (2Ti. 2:15) or that “all scripture is God breathed…” (2 Ti. 3:16), etc., etc. etc.  All are true, but the mass produced anthology of ancient texts we now call “The Holy Bible” did not exist in Jesus day, or Timothy’s day, or Paul’s day, or Mathew’s day, or Marks day…or for well over one-thousand years following. This piece of scripture is not talking about an anthology of texts, modern and ancient, chunked out in global printing presses then sliced and diced into book, chapter and verse with concordance attached. Words are now easily shredded and reformed into a structure of our own design. 
The scripture in Timothy’s day, would have been the Torah, Septuagint and various other collections of prized letters and texts that were not universally available at your local bookstore. They were instead committed to memory, as imperfect as that may seem. These were non-formatted texts with no chapter, paragraph, verse numbering and no context notation whatsoever.  No printed concordance or commentary existed to interpret these texts.  Prior to the industrial age most learning was of an oral tradition but with the advent of the printing press  we now have a mass production of books that are too easily sliced, diced and reformed ad infinitum to match one’s, or a group’s, own personal view. This is not how it was meant to be. One could argue the word “divide” here is not technically a mathematical term, but to argue that point would just be descending straight back into the war over words I reject and abhor. 
What has happened over the centuries is these once separate books, texts, poems, histories, laws and prophetic visions, meant to be viewed independently from each other, with their varying perspective and earthly flaws, have now been congealed into many divisive doctrines. Man now argues over words and phrases  through the use of these mass produced study books. God is much much simpler than that and this congealing to form doctrines is tantamount to a cancerous growth on the body of Christ.

In about the fourth century, under Constantine, the Vatican texts of the New and Old Testament were compiled.  Prior to the new Testament era, under king Hezekiah, the Old Testament texts were assembled into one central location. Copies of these were painstakingly scribed and  were sent to the Vatican as well. These texts were all housed under one roof in the Vatican library for centuries, protected by armed guard, and it would be many more centuries before they were disseminated globally as "The Bible". People were born, lived and died without ever having access to this knowledge we now easily obtain.

The anthology we call “The Holy Bible” went through many changes in it's history and, because of this, it is flawed and incomplete. No matter which version you choose, none are perfect, all are flawed.  
In the 70’s there were bumper stickers all over that said, “I Found It!”  The meaning behind this statement was that this person found God. I get what they mean, but this is simply not possible. We can find the beginning of the path to God easy enough but, as humans, we can never quite fully understand or find God. It is why we are programmed to continually seek. The most we can do is have true faith and glory in our ignorance. We must accept we do not know much, can prove very little, have no valid tools to construct any sort of structure and, through faith, must accept that God can rescue us. That is it. The whole duty of man.

If one feels I do not value the words of the Bible, I freely quote from it. These words can be edifying if accepted for what they are. Incomplete words that explain a complete God. Words can be bring peace, or they can be turned as weapons in a war over words. This is the spiritual war we see today in the world. The complete truth is only found by seeking God through the Spirit. It is a difficult concept and the Holy Bible is a useful tool, but it is just that, a tool. Some will quote back to me   
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Fine enough, but, when this letter was written to the Hebrew people, how many people had a “Holy Bible” sitting in their home? Nearly zero. So, the statement “the Word of God” is not referring to an anthology or manuscript manufactured from dead trees. It is a living word that can never be maintained on paper, written on the heart by the Spirit.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Those were words written to Timothy by Paul. Timothy likely never read the letter written to the Hebrew people. Some feel Paul wrote the letter to the Hebrews but even that is unproven. There is adequate theory it was actually written by a woman, possibly Priscilla, Junio or Phoebe. It may have been written by Apollos, but we’ll never know for sure. What is for certain is Acts, Hebrews, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and all of the other “accepted writings” we regard as the “Word of God” were only universally shared and compiled for mass distribution about seven or eight hundred years ago. It is wonderful to have easy access to all of these letters, but to build a doctrine on this evidence alone is flawed. God is much bigger than that.  Tough pill to swallow, but it’s true. We must seek out the weightier matters; Justice, Mercy and Faithfulness. Much study and false piety will not create these things and is wearying as Solomon discovered in his journey seeking knowledge. 

“And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.”                  Book of Ecclesiastes