22-A letter
21-The Progression of the Mexican Ministry
The Crown Victoria, and other sedans, my father was using to get to this apartment; and to pick up
I was at a few of the meetings at the La Playa apartment. There were usually about five or six people from Tijuana, and about the same number would travel over from the states. These were typical foundation meeting with singing (one of the Mexican people had translated a few of the songs into Spanish), a teaching out of the Greek, spoken in English then interpreted into Spanish by a man named Pablo then
Not long after

This house was too big to justify renting just for meetings so David North moved his family to the house, enrolled his children in Mexican school, then commuted each day across the border into San Diego to work. There was not much left at the La Playa apartment for meetings; just a whiteboard and some chairs; but after the move to the big house it still needed to
Altogether there was only a handful of people's lives "The Mexican Ministry" ever touched. It officially ended not long after my father's death. I do not know exactly when, since I was not around but I
In the next post, and the one following, I will introduce a threatening letter
20-San Diego-Heart and Family
I can only describe activities in San Diego over the next few years as frenetic. The
I lived in San Diego, this time, until February of 1985. I had been ex-communicated and
Not long after returning to San Diego; in February 1980; my grandmother, on my father's side, passed away. It was not unexpected as she had pancreatic cancer; but it was still difficult. I dearly loved her and, knowing she was so ill, I made an out of the way trip to her place on my move back to San Diego. I knew this would be the last time I would ever see her and it was heartbreaking to leave. It still feels like a great loss to me. Some of the best days of my life were spent with this grandmother in Seattle at her house. Her death was quite a blow to me as well as my father. Having been an only child my father had always been close to his mother and we visited often. We spent nearly every Thanksgiving or Christmas at her house as was growing up. She was an incredible person and I still miss very much.
About two years after my grandmother died my grandfather, on my father's side, also died. I was somewhat close to this grandfather but he was never a talkative man and I know very little about his life. He was kind, but not close in the same way my grandmother was. His death created a great deal of tension in the family because of "things". My father, worried other members of the family would swoop in and grab stuff from his apartment, had me accompany him on a mad dash to Kennewick to empty out the contents and drive it all back to San Diego in a U-Haul truck. I did not know then what we were doing was technically illegal since probate had not yet completed. It
My father, still in recovery from heart surgery during this trip to Kennewick, planned to drive my grandfather's car back to San Diego. He became so weak during the trip he was unable to finish the journey so we left him at an airport (I have forgotten in which city) and he flew back. A man named Don and I finished driving the car and truck back to San Diego. As an interesting side note to this journey; the truck given to us by U-Haul was ancient and decrepit and literally got two miles per gallon, or less. This meant we had to stop about every fifty miles for fuel. In central California on I-5 the exits are sometimes fifty miles apart which gave us some very tense moments during our journey, unsure we would make it to the next station. We documented the fuel guzzling with receipts and U-Haul did reimburse us for the extra fuel.
I was not working at this time; since
I am convinced part of him
When I arrived in San Diego, the bus had
The first move would be to a small apartment nearby in Chula Vista. This move to the apartment would be the first time, since 1973, my father had lived in regular housing. After this
The apartment, a small two bedroom, got my father into a quiet environment and it was here he returned from heart surgery. I picked him up at the hospital to bring him home and his first request was to get his hair cut. This we did. It was a rather unusual request because he had very little hair. The barber made
I don't recall exactly how long my father lived in the apartment but the move changed his outlook. He seemed to no longer desire life as an itinerant minister and just wanted to settle down. This was quite a change for him. I remember one time; when I was thirteen, and we had first moved to San Juan Island; we had gone together looking at an old small ferry he had seen an ad for in a "Little Nickel" style paper. His plan he related to me, on the drive to see it, would be to move a mobile home onto the car deck for instant living space then convert the passenger deck into a floating church. He wanted
Once my father recovered from surgery, he decided the apartment was too small. He also felt it was senseless to pay rent on an apartment and have two RV spaces as well. For the same cost he could purchase one large home.
Not long after the move to Casa Grande, David North and his wife also moved into the Casa Grande and the trailer
In my next post I will detail the development of the Mexican Ministry and, in the following post, will cover a few of the anomalies it spawned.
19-Back to San Diego-"Mexican Ministry" Roots
The entire tape is 26 minutes long so I provide a synopsis in bullet points below. You may listen to it's entirety at this link: LINK TO ENTIRE TAPE
- Tape purpose: To open a new ministry for everyone.
- My father became close to man in Mexico named Luis, age 29, from Nicaragua. He took a trip with him from Tijuana to Ensenada.
- On this trip Luis told a story in confidence about leaving Nicaragua after the 6.2 earthquake in 1972. He had, per his report, intended to enter the U.S. while the border was open for disaster evacuees. Luis stated he got a Visa to Mexico then hitchhiked from Mexico City to Tijuana. He discovered the US border was closed to evacuees so he allegedly became stranded in Mexico.
- Luis is presented as an honest man who speaks English, Japanese and several other
languages. He now works in Mexico, established himself in Tijuana; married, had a
child, then lost his citizenship in Nicaragua because he had been away for five
years. He alleges he became a man without a country and stated he had to lie on his marriage
certificate about his age, place of birth, father's name and even falsified his name to get married. (Note: Luis never stated what his real
name was and there were a few, including me, who questioned the validity of his
story. A check of Nicaraguan law showed one does not lose citizenship by being away for five years.
The only way citizenship is lost is when a person voluntarily gains a foreign citizenship other than with a country Nicaragua has a dual nationality agreement with.) - Luis wants help to become a citizen of the US so my father spoke with a US attorney. This could only happen if Luis had $40,000 or could find a job no one else could do. Neither is possible for him.
- Luis wants instead to become a Mexican citizen so he can get a
passport to enter US and get a job. It is a long process, very costly and since
there are
lies on his marriage certificate it is not possible without a Mexican attorney. - My father found a tourist public defender in Mexico with ties to the Mexican
Government who can bribe officials to have the marriage license changed to
eliminate the four lies. If not fixed, Luis could allegedly
be jailed . Luisis considered bymy father to be a responsible citizen, not a smoker, drinker, and happily married so this may be possible. - The reason for the tape is to ask for $2000.00, maybe more, to have this attorney pay off four Mexican government officials and have the marriage license corrected.
- My father states he prayed about it and “the Lord showed him” the ABC had learned about tithing and offerings but now God wants to use this opportunity to teach the ABC about alms.
- My father feels this is an opportunity to minister to Luis, have him become part of the ABC and then, through Luis, get acquainted with other Mexican men and families who may want to associate with the ABC.
- To help Luis
the money cannot, allegedly by scripture, be used from tithes or offerings, it must come only from alms. If people will send money for this my dad is confident "the Lord will bless the whole congregation." - It will take a year or two to complete the process but the attorney first needs at least $2000.00 retainer to get started.
- Luis's wife is allegedly “impressed with my father and the honesty in his face”. My father
states God is moving in the Mexican area and they are dealing with another
family too. They plan to spend the night at this family's house. Another man
volunteered to become an interpreter if my father
begins to teach in Mexico. (It is interesting to note that no one in “The Mexican Ministry” ever took the effort to become fluent in Spanish.Instead more money was always asked of the people to hire interpreters.) - Afterthought on tape: My father said he couldn't sleep after making the tape
and paced the floor all
all night. He discovered there was an error on the tape and stated alms are tobe given only insecret and should never be made public.We are commanded to tithe he stated andare expected to give offerings he commented andwe are blessed in these things through our obedience. However it is only in giving alms wewill truly be blessed . Alms shouldbe given quickly, he stated, before the right hand knows what the left has done.
I know little of what happened in San Diego the two years I was away at school. By the time we returned in May 1980 "The Assembly of the Body of Christ" group in San Diego had become much less Navy. Most of the guys had fulfilled their enlistments, many had married, and most of the original "San Diego group" had moved on to other cities. In their place, a smaller group of "just plain working folk" existed. While there were a few "new babes", most living in San Diego now had either moved in from other areas or been around a while. This made the San Diego group mostly self-sustaining and my father, freed from having to assist with the daily activities of the church in San Diego, and all other areas, focused his efforts out of the country now, in Tijuana Mexico.
The bus
In the next post, we settle into San Diego again and life takes a lot of turns.
18-State of the Family Address
... but if a man doesn't know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the assembly of God?
1 Timothy 3:5
A major era in my life ended in San Diego. The events that happened during this chapter of my life caused my father to thrust me completely out of his church and his life. I was present in his life, but not once did I ever feel I was actually in his life. When he finally disowned me completely; because I would not see everything exactly as he did; he did not even tell me this himself. He instead left word with another individual that when they saw me again; they were to tell me he never wanted to see me again. It is a promise he kept to his grave and is a scar that will never heal. Despite our differences, and despite the pain he brought to me and many other people, I still wish we had been close. At least for a short period. It never happened. Sadly, only a few ever questioned his actions, then or even now. It
After my father's death, and after many of the facts of the "Mexican Ministry" period began to surface,
After Gilbert visited my home, I did not return to the ABC right away. I waited a few months then, taking the apology bait, returned. I did not understand then I was simply being played on a hook by Gilbert Larson so he could trade more easily on my father's name. My first realization of this came when I discovered Gilbert was reprinting a book my father wrote when he was alive. Gilbert Larson was putting my father's name, picture and a mailing address on the back cover of this book as if he was still alive and one could write to my father with questions! This deeply offended me and I told Gilbert so quite emphatically. He suggested, when we spoke, perhaps he should have talked to me first. I would have said "no
My brother, two years my senior; and also once an elder in the ABC, holding regular meetings in his home; left "the group" suddenly in 1978 declaring it to be "cult-like" and overly authoritative. He told me then he did not like the directions things were heading and saw people were losing their ability to think for themselves. At the time he mildly suggested I get out too. I did not listen but I wish I had.
There is no reason to list all the messy details but life at our home was much less than calm. As a result, my oldest sibling left our home at age seventeen, choosing the Vietnam war, and military service, over the war at home. They never chose to be part of the ABC.
I have two step-siblings; a stepbrother Jon and a stepsister
My stepsister drifted into drug use at about age eleven or twelve. At last report she was trying to survive on the streets of San Diego with a serious substance abuse problem and was making money for her drug addictions in any way she could. If she has straightened out her life since, I wish her well.
My stepmother, Yvonne, keeps a monetary connection with the ABC through a retirement fund paid from the monthly tithes. That retirement plan has been a point of contention within the church for many years. She no longer has any connection to the meetings, decision making or to the church itself in any other way than monetary.
There was a time, a number of years ago, when all the anger I stuffed about what my father had done to our family, and his adopted family, leaked out when I was alone. I would shout at him, even though I knew very well he lay silent beneath the ground at the Naval cemetery in Point Loma and could never hear or respond. These one-sided angry dialogues served no real purpose other than to reveal I had plenty of buried anger to deal with. I have done that, but still so much wish he was not beyond the reach of my words so I could tell him how I feel. He left behind quite a lot of pain in our family,
The last day I saw my father alive was in a hastily called "body counsel" in San Diego. At this "body counsel" I asked to speak to him privately in his office. He adamantly refused, became enraged, ran out the front door, got in his van and, still in a rage, drove out of control across the front lawn leaving deep furrows. He did not ever return that night and instead passed word through others he had disowned me completely. It was heartbreaking then, and even more so now. When I see others present him as a "man of God", and feel he had something more from God than all the rest, it is honestly painful. He was not in control of his emotions and this last incidence of rage was not an anomaly. I know the grace of God, and his mercy, will cover the mistakes he made but I cannot view him as someone more special than any other person. He was a man with faults like any other and the myths that have grown around his life are difficult to hear. I was there in his real life. I know the truth.
Many loved my father and, honestly, despite my anger with him at his actions toward our family, I loved him too in some ways. He was my father; he had a good side, and, with a few exceptions, would not regard him as plotting or evil.
While I loved my father, he never did truly love or respect his natural family. We were mostly a burden to him and interfered with his "mission" of building a church of his own design. He pulled us along, on his ever growing quest to build a church, mostly out of obligation, and not love of family. On San Juan Island, when that burden became too great, he left his family behind to pursue his "church building" but this time with even greater fervor.
My father left a legacy of a broken family and also left behind the legacy of a broken church. This church "The Assembly of the Body of Christ" (ABC) now follows in those footsteps he left behind and leaves in its wake broken hearts and broken people just like my father left behind a broken family.
The book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. He opened the book, and found the place where itwas written , "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, Because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim release to the captives, Recovering of sight to the blind, To deliver those whoare crushed , And to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord." Luke 4:17-19
In the next post I will share a tape sent to the elders at the beginning of the