Note: I am entering the "Grants Pass" period in my narrative; and the period when "the group" became officially known as "the Assembly of the Body of Christ". It is easier to give the entire corporate history in a single post since the transformation happened over a period of many years. It will be much easier to follow the money side of the ABC church business all at once rather than trying to list the details in many different posts, representing many different eras.
This is an abbreviated history of the corporate structure of the Assembly of the Body of Christ (ABC) as it developed over a number of years. I have acquired as much information as I am able through public sources, and bits and pieces I heard from my father and others, but there are still bits of the story to which I will never have access due to the secrecy of the ABC leadership regarding money matters. The financial side of the ABC is deliberately shrouded by the leaders and my status as a son of the founder gives me no more insight into the daily workings than any other person not in a leadership role. Some of this mystery is a result of the various power struggles over the years. Money is power after all, and there is considerable money, and power, in the tithe of the ABC. The tithe is used for the direct financial benefit of a very few and the manner of use of the tithe is not common knowledge.
Prior to 01/21/1982 the ABC; actually just called “the group” then; stood alone without any sort of legal structure. When persons would ask for proof of tithes paid my father instructed them it was not scriptural to claim the tithe on your taxes and to do so would be "robbing God". This, he reasoned, is because the IRS would then be paying your tithe for you. have robbed God. Certain persons became unhappy with this explanation and began to push for a legal structure that would allow them to claim their tithe as a deduction on their itemized tax return. But this would then mean “the group” would need to form a legal structure, acquire a name, and gain status as a legal non-profit. There was a great bit of consternation with many about forming "the group" into a non-profit corporation, and acquiring a name, but "the group" in Grants Pass eventually hired an attorney and, on 01/21/1982, "the group" in Grants Pass officially became a non-profit corporation named "The Assembly of the Body of Christ" . Rodney Graham, a man who was then in the group, was listed as registered agent. On 9/13/1982 my father, having now lost control of the ABC, countered this move with a California corporation he would control and named it "The Mexican Ministry of the Assembly of the Body of Christ". The registered agent was Michelle Oslund, a woman in the group at the time. After my father's death Michelle left the ABC completely and joined with a group Yvonne started in Tijuana Mexico. This Mexican Ministry corporation in California was then dissolved.
In 1983, and well into 1984, the ABC went through the largest upheaval of its existence in both San Diego and Grants Pass. A separate corporation was formed in Colorado in August 1984 by Gilbert Larson and this finally removed all corporate control from the Grants Pass group. The Grants Pass corporation remained in existence just a short while longer and, on 7/24/1985 was dissolved. Three months later, in October 1985, my father had a massive heart attack in a Mexican restaurant in San Diego and died.
Since I had been disowned by my father in January 1984, and was ex-communicated from the church, I work from third party reports on some of the facts during these years. From reports of others I heard the torch of control was uncertain for quite some time. Ultimately, that torch passed to Gilbert Larson, who has now proclaimed himself to be an apostle since he founded a new group in Denver Colorado. David North, from what I heard, was one contender for control but he could not wrest control away. He was eventually named "the prophet", given a home to live in paid by for by the ABC, a salary, and partial control.
David had been one of the predominant players in "The Mexican Ministry" while my father was alive but ultimately lost in the power chess game that ensued after my father's death. Yvonne had attempted to maintain control but was unable. She then left to form her own church in Tijuana. I had no desire to take a leadership role in my father's church and would not have accepted it even if they offered. Those vying for power eventually pushed Yvonne out completely then took control of the entire estate, including things my father had once promised me as an inheritance. I instead received, in the mail, a toy gong that once belonged to my father. It was a gag gift I had given him when he was laid up in bed with a severe illness when I was fourteen. This came in a box from Yvonne with a note telling me this is what my father wanted me to have after his death. It was intended as an insult.
A little over five years later, on 3/11/91, two new corporations were formed in Washington state. The officers of both corporations were Gilbert Larson, Caralee Larson and James Shierman per the public record I obtained at the time. Previously David North had shown as an officer. I am uncertain what led to the forming of these new corporations. The corporations are named "Assembly of the Body of Christ" and "Assembly of the Body of Christ, Northwest Ministry". Click on "Additional Information" when following these links to view the officers. It is unclear why two separate corporations were formed instead of just one. Both were renewed when they are about to expire. In March of 2014 the "Assembly of the Body of Christ" corporation was allowed to expire and was merged with the corporation "The Assembly of the Body of Christ, Northwest Ministry".
I did discover in the corporate bylaws that if the "Assembly of the Body of
Christ" corporation was ever dissolved, all assets were to be turned over to
any other "Assembly of the Body of Christ" corporation. This would have
then transferred all financial assets to the corporation Gilbert Larson
created in Washington State. Take from that what you will but money is power.
After the death of James Shierman, the treasurer, the corporation was allowed to go into delinquency rather than expose the finances to another person.
(Click pictures to enlarge)
I asked over the years, as an elder and faithful contributor, for an accounting of how the tithe money was spent. Each time my request for information was refused. Each time I was instructed I just needed to trust God the money was being spent correctly. I had seen how money was spent over the years, especially during the "Mexican Ministry" era. What I saw was certain individuals fulfilling their own desires with the money. I knew the system in place allowed no method of oversight and people were allowed to greatly abuse the money as leaders. Trust only comes with transparency and in the ABC there is no transparency.
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